NMTC Allocations: A Review of Three Funding Rounds
The CDFI Fund recently announced the Calendar Year (CY) 2023 New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocations and awarded $5B in allocations to 104 Community Development Entities (CDEs). Through the NMTC program, the CDFI Fund provides tax credit authority to CDEs, which serve as financial intermediaries to place investments into businesses that meet NMTC program requirements in low-income communities.
Fund CI reviewed data on the past three funding rounds to better understand the geographic distribution of allocations as well as identify trends in successful applicants.

CDFI Technology Landscape Scan: Key Themes from Technology Providers
Fund CI entered this research with the observation that both the CDFI industry and the technologies that support them are changing. CDFIs continue to evolve new products and approaches to meeting their missions. But, in an ever-changing environment, how can CDFIs identify the best platform, or platforms, to meet their needs? To tackle this question, Fund CI conducted interviews with 15 technology providers to learn more about their platforms.

Revisiting and Updating our Accountability Report
Fund CI has updated its Accountability Report based on the final CDFI Certification guidelines.
This research brief explores one of the core criteria for certification: accountability. Overall, we found that at the time of the survey, CDFIs were only prepared for one of the six criteria related to certification.

Small Dollar Loan program: A Review of Three Funding Rounds
Fund CI reviews the first three funding rounds of the CDFI Fund’s Small Dollar Loan Program based on geographic distribution, awardee distribution, and strategy.

CDFI Certification : Accountability
Accountability: Leveraging Advisory Boards and Preparing for Changes. This research brief explores one of the core criteria for certification: accountability.
CDFI Certification: Emerging CDFIs
Emerging CDFIs had a unique experience with the delayed release of the certification and the long closure of the application window. Fund CI spoke with an emerging CDFI to understand how they were effected.

Reflection on Five Years of Research
Fund CI reflects on five years of research on the CDFI Industry.

Perception versus Reality: Women and Change in the CDFI Industry
In 2018, FUND Community Institute (FUND CI) designed a research project examining the role of women in the CDFI industry. The goal of the research was to assess the roles women are playing in the industry, determine if they feel they have the resources necessary to succeed, and learn what changes they have noticed in the industry. In addition to collecting data and presenting findings on these issues, the intent was also to document women’s experiences.
Credit Access for Women Owned Small Businesses Research Brief
Fund Community Institute worked in conjunction with The Wisdom Fund to understand the baseline lending activities of its cohort of Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) lenders, with a focus on lending to women small business owners.

Advancing Equity: Diversity and Inclusion at CDFIs
In 2019, Fund CI conducted research to identify the best practices of CDFIs that are recognized as being ahead of the curve in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally and externally.

Bending Toward Justice: Credit Scores as Measures of CDFI Impact
Fund CI analyzes credit scores as an outcome measure on the effectiveness of small dollar loans.

Research Brief: Succession Planning
Fund CI completed an industry survey to understand how prepared organizations are for leadership changes, particularly as a generation of CDFI founders begin to retire.
Why do CDFIs choose people or place-based strategies?
As part of a series of blogs, Fund CI explores CDFI’s use of place-based or people-based strategies.
Thinking about people and place-based lending
As part of a series of blogs, Fund CI explores CDFI’s use of place-based or people-based strategies.
CDFI Loan Funds Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Two Spotlights
CDFI Loan Funds showed incredible expediency and responsiveness in reacting to the pandemic. Many responded before CDFI loan funds were able to participate in the PPP program. These profiles highlight two loan funds’ approaches.